From lawn services to building contractors, facility maintenance to emergency services, your property is one of your most valuable investments. Trust the FMIT MVP℠ to help minimize your exposure and bring real-time solutions to front line decision makers.
Free to FMIT Members, the Managed Vendor Program (MVP) help’s safeguard your insured properties and workplace at no direct cost to FMIT Members. More importantly, MVP operates as an extension of your staff in working to ensure all vendors meet specified compliance requirements. Utilizing the on-line interface (hosted in your simpliCity Account) MVP gives you full visibility into vendor credentialing, onsite project activities and real-time reporting. Additionally, MVP is endorsed by the FMIT TurnKey Recovery℠ Program and used to expedite recovery and repair services, as well as approved vendor direct payments for upfront material deposits &/or progress payments.
FMIT Members are eligible to participate in the MVP Program. It’s as easy as identifying qualified vendors in your simpliCity Account Profile. Simply upload your vendors or send us an excel spreadsheet containing vendor contact information. Our client support team will handle the rest. We will work directly with your vendors to process required documents quickly and efficiently – making sure they have everything they need to comply with stated insurance requirements, workers compensation certification, local & state licensing and individual workforce trade certification. All this information will be uploaded and maintained in your simpliCity Account with no additional hassles on your part.
As an additional value add, MVP connects all registered vendors through the TrackDown℠ Mobile Platform and enables various field applications to help support improved communication and overall project transparency. From onsite time-clock activity to daily project reports, progress photos to email repository, all activities are uploaded in real-time to your simpliCity Account. Having this valuable information at your fingertips improves vendor accountability, workmanship and overall project controls.
Start taking advantage of FMIT MVP today. See what other vendors are saying…

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